lundi 29 décembre 2008

Marie-Helene Journey at Home

It’s been already 3 days that we have been together, me and Marie-Helene. Every second that I am in her presence fill me with joy. She is so much more wonderful than I could ever imagine… it’s like a dream coming true.

I also feel a bit strange lately, some things like a headache or a pain in my heart. It’s a strange sensation that I can hardly understand or explain. It seems that I easily feel guilty of everything around me, particularly when it involves her. I want the impossible… I want her to be happy forever… but I am just a mortal, a human, an animal.

She is sleeping on my bed right now. So beautiful and peaceful… I love her pretty visage, her little closed eyes and mouth…her long hair… her slowly breathing. I could stare at her forever.

I wonder what she is dreaming about… Hopefully it will be nice dream with me inside! All I can hope is that I did not deceive her so far. I am certainly not perfect but I think she is worth only the best of the best and so I must do my best for myself and her. There is so much that I would like to do with her but then again, she might want some time for herself. I love you so much my dearest, but I don’t want you to feel like I am a weight at your ankle either.

I also noticed that I probably need much more attention and affection than anyone some time. If it was of me, she would pretty much always be in tight my arms and I would kiss her about every where! But of course, I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable either. Perhaps I worry too much…One thing for sure, every time I see her smiling back at me, her lovely eyes staring at my soul, it make my heart beat faster than ever and stop any pain I might feel.


samedi 27 décembre 2008

Yesterday and what have yet to come

Yesterday I went to Cruella in Montreal in order to buy some new clothing. Every time I go there, it feels like I am entering in another dimension. I must admit that I was amazed by the people I seen there… they were so colorful.

So anyway, I brought a lot of new clothing since we were the Boxing Day and there was a 30% reduction on everything. I brought a new long coat, black pant & shirt, a fine amulet and a high hat. The high hat is by far the most eccentric piece of clothing I ever had.

Tomorrow I plan to check for my eyebrow piercing if the shop is open than meet with my beloved for the very first time in the evening. I certainly hope that she will like my new clothing and will be able to recognize me. Less than 18 hours before I will finally meet my dearest Marie-Helene… needless to say that I can’t wait to see her!

Nevertheless, my next objective will be to find what to do with my hair. I like the black coloration, though the next time I intend to add red lock in order to give some more life to it… however the main dilemma is about the hair style that goes with it. I honestly have no idea what to do with it… perhaps I will need to go to another barbershop and see if anything grabs my attention.

Another place I would like to go over the next week is X20 – Rio in Montreal. Mostly because I need some new sturdy black boots, as my current one is in very sad state, but I might find some other things of interest, who know? I certainly could use some additional pants and shirts. Perhaps even my lovely little mischievous sprite will enjoy going out there with me. *Smiles*

If I can get everything that I am looking for I certainly will be very happy but nothing will make me happier than seeing my pretty fallen angel.

Can’t wait to see you dearest.

vendredi 26 décembre 2008

Mind & Perception, a scary Reality?

Wednesday I hear really strange noise during the night in my room then had some strange and scary vision projected in my mind. That the first time it happens when I was really conscious. It lasted for about 1 minute and I must admit that I was kind of scared, like a kid barely being able to check over his blanket! *laughs*

Somehow, I wanted to test something yesterday night before falling asleep. This state is called hypnagogia, which cover the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. I was kind of imposing myself with scary thought as I selected creepy theme before entering this state. What resulted was really frightening thought, yet very realistic to a point that I could feel like I was being paralysed by this fear.

I was in a creepy village and some kind of blue spectre was hunting me. I was hiding in the darkness; my back turned to it and every time I wanted to see what that creature was, I was like… petrified. I was overwhelmed by terrible fear and all I could do was to turn my back so I could not see it even if I know that it was there.

Somehow, I did know that it was only some thoughts projected by my mind but it was like I had no control over it. It can be quite terrifying to see that our mind can have so much power and control on our perception of the reality. After all, no matter how crazy dreams look like, they often look very realist for us. It’s like that we forgot all senses of logic as our mind rule our perception.

Here what Wikipedia say about perception and reality: “The brain, with which you perceive the world, is made up of neurons “buzzing” at 50 cycles a second, while the world as it exists in reality, is made up of electro-magnetic radiation oscillating at 500 trillion cycles a second. This means that the human brain cannot nearly keep up with the ‘realness of reality.’ To compensate, the brain takes a preconceived idea about the object, then uses those preconceived ideas to see whether or not they are there. The problem with attaining an accurate perception of reality stems from the fact that humans are unable to understand new information, without the inherent bias of their previous knowledge. The extent of a person's knowledge creates their reality as much as the truth, because the human mind can only contemplate that which it has been exposed to. When objects are viewed without understanding, the mind will try to reach for something that it already recognizes, in order to process what it is viewing. That which most closely relates to the unfamiliar from our past experiences, makes up what we see when we look at things that we don't comprehend.”

Taking this into consideration… I often wonder how many things aren’t "real" in our reality… and what about those that are imperceptibles? The margin between what is real and not seems pretty big. How false is our understanding of the reality?

jeudi 25 décembre 2008

Lyric: Jacks Lament

Today, I will present you the lyric of Jacks Lament, from Nightmare before Christmas, an excellent animation made by Tim Burton.

There are few who'd deny, at what I do I am the best
For my talents are renowned far and wide
When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night
I excel without ever even trying
With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms
I have seen grown men give out a shriek
With the wave of my hand, and a well-placed moan
I have swept the very bravest off their feet

Yet year after year, it's the same routine
And I grow so weary of the sound of screams
And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King
Have grown so tired of the same old thing

Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known

I'm a master of fright, and a demon of light
And I'll scare you right out of your pants
To a guy in Kentucky, I'm Mister Unlucky
And I'm known throughout England and France

And since I am dead, I can take off my head
To recite Shakespearean quotations
No animal nor man can scream like I can
With the fury of my recitations

But who here would ever understand
That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin
Would tire of his crown, if they only understood
He'd give it all up if he only could

Oh, there's an empty place in my bones
That calls out for something unknown
The fame and praise come year after year
Does nothing for these empty tears

Qu’est-ce que l’Amour?

L’amour peut être ressentie de différente manière pour tous et chacun. Alors comme vous le constaterez, il est très difficile de décrire ce sentiment.

Pour ma part, je dirais que c’est un sentiment qui démontre une certaine affinité entre deux personnes. Le fait d’être compris et accepter pour qui nous sommes par l’autre. Le sentiment de vouloir partager notre énergie et plaisir avec cette personne. De vouloir l’intégrer à part entière dans notre petit univers égocentrique. Le sentiment de vouloir partager ces peines et bonheurs.

Je croie que l’aspect physique, psychologique ainsi que le partage d’intérêts sont tous très important dans une relation durable. Lorsque deux personnes ce retrouve combler par ces aspects, il est fort probablement qu’un sentiment d’amitié s’établisse avec le temps. C’est le maillon faible de ces 3 aspects qui risque le plus de brimer cette relation à long terme.

Pour certain d’entre nous, l’amour peut complètement changer la perception de notre monde, lui donnant une nouvelle raison d’être. Pour d’autre, elle ouvre de nouvelle portes qui avant nous semblais fermé. Plus un partenaire s’investie dans une relation, plus il sera dévaster par une rupture. Il ne faut jamais oublier que comme bien des choses, l’amour est éphémère. Il ne faut rien prendre pour acquis, il est très important de la chérir et de l’entretenir.

Les amoureux auront souvent tendance à ce sacrifié au bien fait de leur partenaire. Toutefois, cela cache souvent un double jeu qui est celui des attentes. Ceci est souvent fait inconsciemment, plus une personne ce sacrifie, plus ces attentes vont augmenter. Par le fait même, si l’autre partenaire ne répond pas a ces attentes, les déceptions risque fortement de ce produire.

Un deuxième point à entrevoir est celui de l’investissement. Chaque fois que vous investissez de l’énergie dans une relation, il est important de profiter de ce moment et de ne pas investir quelques choses que vous n’êtes pas prêt à perdre. Cela invite uniquement le regret et le sens de la culpabilité lorsque les choses ce complique.

Quand à moi, je suis fortement amoureux de ma admirable petite succube, Marie-Hélène. Maitresse de mes péchés et tentations. Mon tendre amour, tout ce que je fais c’est parce que je le désire. Et présentement, il n’y a rien que je désire plus que de t’avoir à mes côté.

Ton p’tit diable qui t’aime tendrement.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone, hope you will enjoy it and have some good times. I wish that all your dreams will come true. Those moments of joy are so few so try to get as much pleasure from it as you can.

Hope you will all be able to celebrate with those you love. As for me, I will be waiting for that special someone, my little horned angel that I cherish so much.

I love you Marie-Helene!

Perdu dans les Ténèbres

Vide, noirceur, ténèbres… Pourquoi sont-ils toujours-la ? On dirait qu’ils guettent chacun de mes pas, attendant le moment opportun pour attaquer. Mais pourquoi… est-ce la même chose pour chacun de nous ?

Des fois je me dis que je pense beaucoup trop. Je ne suis pas plus sage, et surtout pas plus cultivé que personne mais j’ai probablement trop de temps pour moi. Cela peut sembler étrange... la plupart du monde n’a tout simplement pas assez de temps à consacrer à eux même. Enfin, je suis habitué à marcher à l’inverse.

Si vous êtes la lumière, alors je serais votre ombre. Si le monde marchais plus dans les ténèbres, peut être que je marcherais vers la lumière. Les possibilités d’être sont tellement grandes qu’il est facile de s’y perdre.

On ne sait pas toujours où l’on va ou si nous suivons le bon chemin. Des fois, nous rencontrons des points de repère ou des guides. Ces guides nous aident à nous diriger mais nous serons toujours l’unique maitre de notre navire. Vous savez pourquoi il est si difficile de naviguer ? Parce que la plupart du temps, nous ne savons pas où nous allons. Un bateau ne va jamais très loin sans son capitaine.

Où vais-je… pourquoi… et que faire lorsque je vais arriver à ma destination ? Touts ces questions peuvent être répondues que par nous même. Est-ce de l’hypocrisie que de croire en ces choses qui me semble si irréel ?

Il est important de profiter du moment présent, mais est-il possible que même les portes grande ouvertes, aucun plaisir ne peut être ressenti durant ce moment… que malgré les multiples possibilités, rien ne semble plaisant ? Si oui, pouvons nous combattre ce sentiment de vide qui nous envahi… est t’il nécessaire d’être triste afin de ressentir ce bonheur ?

C’est durant ces moments de tristesse que j’ai tendance à plus facilement m’abandonner à l’univers qui m’entour. Pourquoi chercher un sens à tout cela alors qu’il n’y en a aucun ? Cela fait partie de la nature humaine que de chercher à donner une raison d’être a tout ce qui nous entour.

Plus j’y pense et plus j’ai l’impression de vivre à l’envers de notre univers. Ce que le monde en on peur, m’intrigue. Ce que le monde déteste, j’adore. Ce que je monde aime, je le hais. Mais pourquoi… d’où viens cette attraction aux ténèbres si fantaisiste… cette force aussi contradictoire... et cette haine au conventionnalisme ?

Tant de questions et pourtant si peu de réponses…

mercredi 24 décembre 2008

Tic Tac

Tic tac, tic tac,
Time is slowly moving forward.
None can see what is waiting onward.

Always I think about you my dear.
The beat of my heart you might hear.

In this place as dark as ebon.
Perhaps you will be my boon.

Alone I walk like a ghost.
Looking for you, to be my host.

Will your presence be my relieve?
That is what I want to believe.

Full of light, you fill my heart.
Together we will walk on this earth.

Tic tac, tic tac,
Little by little time is moving on.
But to me it looks like an eon…

- Fred
Your little devil, but more importantly, your lover.


mardi 23 décembre 2008

The Dream

I am lying down on my bed in my lightless room, eyes closed I am lost in my thought. Thought about you Marie-Helene, sweet love of my heart.

Mischievous, yet caring for those she loves; she is like a dream coming true. I dream of her gentle touch over my skin, her lip brushing my neck until they reach mine… We stare at each other, our hearts beating stronger each second. With my hand, I slowly caress her naked skin as our bodies become warmer. I smiles shyly, looking at her, as if I was waiting for an approval…

I could dream about you forever…Or perhaps no, as I would much prefer to meet you! *Sighs softly* Some would say that I am crazy or foolish… That is right; I am crazy about you my love.

Is that black magic? Perhaps you charmed me? I would not care anyway. Come and kiss me, dearest! Let’s unite, together we will crush those that dare to stand on our way!

The world that we are living in

Sometime I wonder what is wrong with being egoist, giving love to those that I really love and merit it instead of loving everyone, which seem more like being hypocrite to oneself than anything else.

I do think that ethic code is very important, as it can help to find and achieve our objectives and determine what is good and bad for us. However, thou should be free from its morality code when taking such decision as it will only hinder him.

In this world where the strong crush the weak, we have to get back on our feet and defend ourselves. It’s easy to give up or discredit someone else, but no amount of wish, hope or prayer will resolve a problem or obstacle. Only through actions you shall achieve them.

Loving the world is nice and all, but as your spree your love to everyone, it will only bring you self-deceive as peoples will slowly get what they want from you. It’s a fact that “evil” humans will get away with their sins while innocents will suffer.

Free yourself from the chains of deceive and illusion. Learn to live for yourself, your love, and your friends.

A world by us, for us

Dear succubus that I love more than anything else. Come and free me from this lonely place. My heart is all your and together we will fly toward new horizon. No sorrows shall stop me from loving you.

Together we will defeat any obstacles that show on our path. Like explorers, we shall discover the pleasure of light and darkness for nothing will frighten us. A new world, a new universe, made by you and me.

Like queen and king, hand in the hand, we will live happily in our little world. A world of fantasy where the most intense sensations and greatest pleasures will be felt by us.

My lovely succubus, you are my phantasm, my goddess; and forever I shall love you for I am all your.

I love you Marie-Helene.

lundi 22 décembre 2008

The Waiting

I am waiting, in fact I always been waiting… for you my sweet muse. To come and meet me in this dark place. The darkness is deeper and cold without your warm. Will your light guide me through this obscurity?

I travel alone in this barren world. Each second seem like an eternity. Will you hear my call, my dark angel? As I walk, I feel like a shadow is stalking me... It’s slowly getting closer. Perhaps it’s you, the one I always waited for?

I know that you are here, waiting for the right time to meet me. Like a child, I am getting impatient. Where are you pretty succubus? My soul is waiting for you, will you take it?

I look at the moon, the only source of light in this darkness. I know that I must continue, that I must move on, but it’s hard. I keep thinking about you, your pretty face, your smile, your warm touch on my cold skin.

I heard a whisper in the night: Soon, soon we will meet. But what will happen after? I don’t want to lose you ever! Just thinking about that make me cry. The voice speaks again: We will be together forever, but for now you must be patient my love.

I try to clean the tears on my heart. I will wait…. For I always been waiting for you… My love.

Ophélie, La Française

Ophélie is at the same time a good friend and my worse nemesis at work! *Grins* We have such a love/hate relationship that some time we find it very funny. Ophélie come from France and got a bad attitude to correct me every time I write in French so I decided to write this text in English!

Ophélie now live in Quebec with her lover. She is still a bit far away from my home so I cannot see her as often as I would like but that certainly won’t stop me to come at least once per year. Speaking of which, she should come see me next time… why I am always the one that is travelling?!

Anyway… Ophélie is really nice once she got to know you; otherwise you are best to be careful. If you see what she is doing to her cat, I can’t imagine what she would do to a human! *Smirk* Oh my, she will so kill me when she will read that… *Look around* Sincerely, she love her cats!

Since I am still alive, I will continue! Seriously, she has a lot of good points. She is a hard worker, persevering and very perfectionist that will do anything to bother her colleague. She is very knowledgeable about pretty much anything and I love to talk with her about all and nothing.

Her weakness? Sushi and World of Warcraft! *laughs* She is really a fine girl, with very interesting interest. She likes to laughs but know how to be serious when required. She is very professional at her work but don’t seem to sleep enough!

Go to bed already! Sleep and relax, you really merit it.

Take care!


dimanche 21 décembre 2008

Me, I and myself

I am such an egoist that I always do actions or ideas for my own pleasure. I live for myself, not for others. I might look like a weird animal to those that aren’t used to that. I am evil? According to our moral standard, yes. But is evil really evil?

The seven deadly sins, according to Christian Church, are: greed, pride, envy, anger, gluttony, lust and sloth. But, are they really “sins”? If yes, then I am a pretty bad sinner, and I am probably not the only one. Not only do I sins, but I like it and am proud of it. I do think that those so-called sins all lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification.

In this world where the strong dominate the weaker mind, why should we love our enemy? If we love them does that not place us at their mercy? I think we should show kindness to those who deserve it, love strongly and completely those who deserve our love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy.

The moral standard as been imposed as a way to pacify the world population for many years. Through conformity, it’s much easier to control the population. Morality is a code of conduct held to be authoritative in matters of right and wrong. But, what is right and wrong?

And always remember, conformity is the death of the soul.

Girls and their interests

I have been looking at hundreds of girls over Internet and I must admit that I am kind of disconcerted by how similar they all are, yet so different from me. Everyone seems to share the same interests such as: going out to restaurant, watching a movie, listening music, reading book, meet friends, participate in show and festival. Some time I even wonder why they bother to write those!

Now, there is of course different type of girls, such as: sportive (who like sports and competition), outgoing (extrovert, have lot of friends and like going out in bar, dance & karaoke), nature (like camping, long hike), artistic (like arts, such as painting & drawing), traveling (like to travel and explore new place, usually at least one per year), marginal (no matter what they want, it’s different from anyone!) and of course, the “normal” girl (which like a bit of all and usually want a serious relationship to form a family). Outgoing and “normal” girls are probably the most common one. However and fortunately, not everyone can be categorized in one of those stereotypes.

Out of everyone, I think that I best get along with marginal and artistic girls. Also, while rare, any introvert girls that trend to like Japanese animes while likely share many interests with me. Unfortunately, they are the rarest and often the hardest to approach. Marginal, some time being seen as “outcast” of the society, usually have there own circle of friends. However, they are the most interesting persons to meets. They are imaginative, creative, unconventional, open minded explorers of the inner self.

samedi 20 décembre 2008

Marie, The Succubus

Marie-Helene is a very naughty girl! *Smirk* Seriously, I really like her; she is one of my newest friend I meet over Internet. The only sad thing about this is the fact that she live so far away from me. We share a lot of interests and already started to create some kinds of complicity!

She works in a dental private clinic as booking clerk near Quebec City. This little horned angel possesses every single interest I have. I am telling you, it’s just… crazy! She loves animes, comic book & movies, rock & metal music, Strategy/RPG video games, MMORPG, RPG pen & papers, and much more! She got a very open mind and aren’t afraid of the dark, as I like to say! She loves funny and dark or gothic movie, but not horror one. She also has a great imaginative mind and like fantasy or science-fiction. Sometime I really feel like I am describing myself! My dear, I give you all 5 stars for this! *laughs*

Physically, she is very pretty. I love her red hair and small silhouette. Also, her facial expressions are just awesome! She make me laugh (or cry) every time she do something. She can easily transmit any emotions she feels to those around her. Her eyes are so bright and pretty that when she stares at you, you feel like she is looking deep in your soul. She also got a very nice piercing at her bellybutton and project to add two nice tattoo on her back. She is very sexy and knows how to annoy while exciting you at the same time. A true little devil!

She is also an incredibly funny girl; I simply can’t stop laughing and enjoy every second I am in her presence. She has an awesome imagination, and just enough crazy to follow me! She has an unbelievable humour sense but more importantly, a children heart. Curious and mischievous, she is the best succubus you can find! *wink*

Her heart can be as big as the world but also as cold and empty as the void. This humble pretty girl prefers to go unnoticed in large crowd. She is a bit introverted but don’t hesitate to protect those she loves around her. Like a fallen angel, Marie-Helene mind is full of contradiction. When she feels comfortable with those close to her, she is direct with no taboo and some time crude in expressing her thought, however she is always sincere.

We both share similar philosophy about life. She is a bit egoist and sometime possessive, both which are important to fuel our ambition. Some time she can get angry, which she let off steam with metal music. She is also a bit dark but not negative and know how to enjoy live at his fullest.

Dear little succubus, I hope I will be able to meet you soon for you are very special to me. You are the dream girl and muse I always wanted, and the perfect girl friend I was looking for.

Love you. XXX

jeudi 18 décembre 2008

Love Guilt & Remorse

Today I will talk about guilt & remorse in love relationship. But first, I will talk about guilt itself. According to my ever friendly Wikipedia: “Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes - whether justified or not - that he or she has violated a moral standard, and is responsible for that violation.”

It’s also worth to note that: “Guilt has been used as a tool of social control, because people who feel guilty are less likely to assert their rights. As with any other emotion, guilt can be manipulated to control or influence others.”

Now, what I mean with love guilt is: Do you think that your moral standard is more important than the pleasure of the present moment? Do you think it’s wrong to love more than one person?

I believe that we should love those that deserve our love. While I don’t support “one night stand” relationship, should we really suppress our love because our moral standard?

I do think that it will depend for each individual; some will feel guilty because she will believe that she violated her moral standard while other might even enjoy the corrupted nature of the moral standard profanation. At the end, there is no set rule; however I believe that each of us are free to love who they want.

Well, that the “good” side of being “evil” I guess! You don’t feel guilty or any remorse from self-centered actions and always try to live at your fullest.

Until next time, ciao!

mardi 16 décembre 2008

Are you sure it’s the Truth?

I haven’t written in my blog for a while and I kind of feel bad about it. However, I must admit that I have been a bit busy lately so I might not be able to post a much as I would like.

I will still make my best for all my good reader that takes their times to come daily and see my newest articles. So today I will talk about another sensitive subject, humanity and what they believe.

We each have our own perception and theories about the existence so I would not expect everyone to agree with me. However, I will try to share some parts of my thought with you.

First to be known, I believe in what I see and feel. There is personally no point to believe in what other will try to impose to you without rational fact. Doing so would be in fact some kind of slavery as they try to control you with what they believe.

It’s in the human nature to give a meaning to everything around us. But what about the humanity itself? If animals are here to serves us as food and companions, the logical decision would be that we are here to serve a greater sentient being above us, right?

Another convenient lie made by no other then ourselves. Fact is, there are no meaning about anything, the rule of existence don’t care about such thing. The only meaning is the one established by humans. So why bother ourselves with greater power and promise of better life when you can live it right now?

It’s a fact that all concepts of our reality have been created by humans. Some are true, others are false, and some might be true than become false as we evolve. Ultimately, it means that what seem currently true is not necessary true as a whole.

Does it matter? Yes and no. We must not fool ourselves with pretty lie and illusion created by other peers in order to manipulate us. Let’s face it, humans are and will always be the most egoist animal on Earth. However, thinking that we can resolve every mysteries of the universe is also very foolish.

Thanks for reading!

samedi 13 décembre 2008

Life & Humour

Seriously I hate serious people. I am sorry but it just had to start like that! *Laughs* Does it mean I hate myself? Arrr… Let’s keep that for later, shall we?

But really, I love to laugh but dislike seriousness and peoples that cannot laughs of their own mistake. Honestly, I am not sure what I would do without humour; life would be so blend. For me, life is just like a game, if you don’t like your life then changes it.

Also, I am a dreamer, absent minded and like it that way! Maybe it’s that children part of my heart that simply refuses to die…that is rebelling against anything that could break up my little magic world.

Hopefully, one day I will find someone to share my little world with. Someone that will understand me and love me for who I am.

vendredi 12 décembre 2008

Contradiction of Past and Present

If anything, I am full of contradiction. Sometime I feel like I have all the shortcoming in the world while other time it’s completely the inverse. This is the same thing with my passion and interest, some time I am really passionate about them while other time they won’t interest me at all. Love and hate, light and darkness, theses contradictions are many in my mind and heart. Because of this I often have trouble to take decision for myself, no matter how important or silly they are. I am mysterious and simple at the same time.

Things don’t make much sense around me, some time I might regret an action but will be indifferent to the consequence at the same time. In my positive statement I am often negative; however the same hold true the other way as well. I will be positive when I am confronting negative event.

Does anything of this make sense? I am not sure about that… I often have hard time to find what I like or what is good for me. More often than not, I am thinking about silly things. At the end, I just want to be happy and feel good about myself. Will anyone be able to understand this conflict in my mind?

My Adorable Friends !

As you probably noticed I started to post a lot about my friend lately. I must admit that I really like to do this and it seems to interest most of you as well. So if you would like a blog about yourself or have a rather interesting subject, please don’t be afraid to contact me and it will be my pleasure to write one for you.

I would like to finish with this… Thank you all for coming, I love you all! *Smiles*

jeudi 11 décembre 2008

Dominique, The Teacher

Dominique is as you can guess, a teacher. Yes a teacher, one of my most terrible nightmare and nemesis! *Laughs*

Seriously, she teaches French class as second language in primary school and loves it. She likes to read book, particularly roman. She also likes to watch movie with a special liking for Disney film. She wants to travel through the world to see many different countries and also like camping.

She is a bit shy and reserved but become really social once she feel comfortable. She got a good humour sense and like to laughs. She also have a very open mind and aren’t afraid to try new experience. I enjoy talking with her because she is very friendly and comprehensive.

She is really a good friend and I am glad to have met her. I hope that we will be able to share some time together soon! Good night all!

Valérie, l’Énigmatique

Valérie est toute une fille, mystérieuse mais franche et coloré, vous être sure de ne pas vous ennuyer avec une fille aussi extraordinaire ! Elle aime plein de chose, mais la chose la plus importante pour elle est bien sure ces deux belle petite filles.

Elle aime les arts, mais ne dessine pas, toutefois elle aime beaucoup les images fantaisistes. Elle est bonne en artisanat, particulièrement dans la décoration et montage diverse. Elle adore tout ce qui est médiéval et aimerait beaucoup avoir un mariage médiéval. Comme activité, elle aime bien lire des livres ou poèmes, sortir au cinéma ou aller au restaurant avec son petit copain. Elle est aussi une excellente cuisinière qui invente ces propres recettes. Elle n’aime pas vraiment les sports à l’exception du hockey qu’elle aime bien regarder.

Valérie est une fille calme et timide mais qui a ces petit brins de folie. Elle est gentille, généreuse et très intuitive. Discuter avec elle est très plaisant, particulièrement du a sa grande ouverture d’esprit et le fait qu’elle ne possède aucun tabou. Elle est super compréhensive et lorsque l’on parler avec elle, on sent qu’on peut facilement lui confier tout nos secrets. De plus, Valérie est une fille très indépendante et peu matérialiste qui sais où mettre ces priorités tout en sachant en profiter.

J’ai toujours eu un peu de misère à décerner les défauts de cette fille mystérieuse. Je dirais qu’elle semble être un peu trop cru ou froid à l’occasion du a ca franchise. Elle est allergique aux noix et arachide (Tout un défaut !), ne comprend pas très bien l’anglais et n’écrit pas très rapidement à cause de ces longs ongles qui accrochent les touches du clavier ! *Rire*

C’est une fille vraiment magnifique et je peux vous assurer que son chum est certainement l’homme le plus heureux et chanceux sur terre. Elle est belle, charmante et séduisante. Elle possède aussi 2 tatous ainsi qu’un piercing au nombril et pense ce faire faire un nouveau tatou prochainement.

J’espère sincèrement qu’on pourra partager un peu de temps ensemble car tu est une amie extraordinaire. Je t’adore ma belle et te souhaite une belle soirée !

Jibbi, The Gamer

Today, I am going to talk about my friend Jibbi. Jibbi is a gamer, a hardcore gamer. Even more gamer than me! Yes you heard me well. Is that even possible?

Jibbi is a generous and honest guy, but more than anything he is really resourceful. Hard worker, he can fix about any things fast and easy. He got a good humour sense and a mischievous spirit. Bon vivant, he will amaze you constantly with his silly comments.

Needless to say that Jibbi like to game on his computer. However he also has a great music and movie collections. He like Bob Gratton show and love to smoke “bucket”. *Laughs*

He is reliable but can be a bit hard to switch off his computer. Despite that he is really a good guy and I am glad to have him as my friend!