She is a great friend that unfortunately lost her self-esteem some time ago. But first, I would like to tell you about how great she is! This girl is always smiling and confronts even the worse situation with optimist approach. She is very funny and has a great humour sense as well. She is very friendly, generous and peoples easily feel comfortable around her. She also has a great imagination!
She is very skilled in drawing manga characters and loves Disney movies and books. She also like princess, cute things and anything pink! She likes to go out and meet her friends but have hard time to make up her mind about her wants and desires. She likes to chat, dance and talk with friends even if they got nothing to say! I do think that she is more social than she think.
That being says, our little princess is suffering from low self-esteem. Unfortunately, this is leading to other trouble such as heavy anxiety, shyness and inability to take proper decision for her well being. This also led to major insomnia which drain a lot of her energy and only make the matter worse as she eat during the night.

Dear little princess, everything is related but you really need to raise your sleeves and seriously grasp the situation. Your self-esteem directly comes from your beliefs, your beliefs about what you think you need to do or who you need to “be” in order to be a person of worth. The most frequent domains in which people frequently derive their self-worth are:
- Virtue
- God’s love
- Support of family
- Academic competence
- Physical attractiveness
- Gaining others’ approval
- Outdoing others in competition
If you base your self-esteem only in a specific domain, it will leave you more vulnerable to negative events that happen to you within that domain.

This is not much but I do hope that it will help our sweet little princess to combat her demons!
Be well dear,