The first thing that would come to my mind would be the consequence of your action. When you are taking the dark path you are usually taking greater risk in order to achieve greater reward. A thief that steals a bank can get very rich, but will it succeed? There is always a risk and some consequences as well. What happen if someone find out that you lie your whole life about something he hold dear?
The next one, regret and guilt, is probably the greatest mental threat and is often related to consequence that might happen. No matter if the karma exists or not, everything you do will stay imprinted in your subconscious. Some might like this feeling but most will feel guilty their whole live even for a minor actions.
Now, if you can take the consequence and guilt of your action, be my guest and do it. After all, we only have one life. The most important thing is to have no regret no matter what happen. *Grins*
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