Now that is out of the way, today I would like to talk to you about the mechanics behind magic, the heart of mystery, the subconscious mind. Our subconscious controls pretty much everything, making him the true master of our mind and body.
During magic, in order to make it work, one must contact his subconscious with his wish then forget about it. However, this creates a strange double bind when you think about it. Which leaves us with pretty much only 3 viable choices:
1. You believed in magic and it worked.
2. You did not 'forget' properly your wish and set a time limit so it failed.
3. You forget about it & nothing happened.
Actually, everything is possible; the only thing that can prevent it is the time limit you give to it. So when you think about it, as long as you send your wish to your subconscious, forget about those ‘spells’ and take what come to you, magic will never fail. If your subconscious accepts your suggestion (‘spell’), it will take the proper step in order to make it happen
However, I am not sure if it’s really magic. Hypnosis & self-suggestion actually works in a kind of similar way. Roughly, you got the relaxation & distraction of consciousness to enter in trance, followed by the contact with the subconscious then you forget/banish your thought and finally return of the consciousness.
Now, I believe that with proper self-suggestion, it might be possible to recreate this magic system. We could use it everywhere and on every aspect of our life!
So, what do you think?

However, I am not sure if it’s really magic. Hypnosis & self-suggestion actually works in a kind of similar way. Roughly, you got the relaxation & distraction of consciousness to enter in trance, followed by the contact with the subconscious then you forget/banish your thought and finally return of the consciousness.
Now, I believe that with proper self-suggestion, it might be possible to recreate this magic system. We could use it everywhere and on every aspect of our life!
So, what do you think?
2 commentaires:
J'étais un peu déçu quand je suis arrivée pour lire ton texte de vendredi,parce que c'était écrit en anglais, mon anglais n'est pas très bon. je ne sais pas si tu as plus d'anglophone que de francophone qui te suive.. mais bien sur c'est ton choix d'écrire dans la langue que tu veux.
Tu as beaucoup changer dans tes textes au début je te lisais et je trouvais ça dur parfois de te sentir si désintéresser de la vie. Maintenant j'aime beaucoup la route que tu as pris et ses sujets m'intéresse (le concient et l'inconcient)je pense que avec tout ce que tu apprend, tu vas nous en apprendre beaucoup. (et nous faire réfléchir sur nous même.
Salut Caroline,
Cela peut surement paraître étrange mais des fois mon inspiration est en anglais! C'est pour cela qu'il arrive que certain article sois en anglais.
Sinon, je suis francophone natif mais je travail beaucoup en anglais donc je fais souvent moins de faute en anglais qu'en français. Mais j'essaye tout de même de faire la majorité des articles en français!
Je suis bien heureux de voir que tu trouves intéressant ces sujets! =)
Au plaisir!
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