samedi 20 décembre 2008

Marie, The Succubus

Marie-Helene is a very naughty girl! *Smirk* Seriously, I really like her; she is one of my newest friend I meet over Internet. The only sad thing about this is the fact that she live so far away from me. We share a lot of interests and already started to create some kinds of complicity!

She works in a dental private clinic as booking clerk near Quebec City. This little horned angel possesses every single interest I have. I am telling you, it’s just… crazy! She loves animes, comic book & movies, rock & metal music, Strategy/RPG video games, MMORPG, RPG pen & papers, and much more! She got a very open mind and aren’t afraid of the dark, as I like to say! She loves funny and dark or gothic movie, but not horror one. She also has a great imaginative mind and like fantasy or science-fiction. Sometime I really feel like I am describing myself! My dear, I give you all 5 stars for this! *laughs*

Physically, she is very pretty. I love her red hair and small silhouette. Also, her facial expressions are just awesome! She make me laugh (or cry) every time she do something. She can easily transmit any emotions she feels to those around her. Her eyes are so bright and pretty that when she stares at you, you feel like she is looking deep in your soul. She also got a very nice piercing at her bellybutton and project to add two nice tattoo on her back. She is very sexy and knows how to annoy while exciting you at the same time. A true little devil!

She is also an incredibly funny girl; I simply can’t stop laughing and enjoy every second I am in her presence. She has an awesome imagination, and just enough crazy to follow me! She has an unbelievable humour sense but more importantly, a children heart. Curious and mischievous, she is the best succubus you can find! *wink*

Her heart can be as big as the world but also as cold and empty as the void. This humble pretty girl prefers to go unnoticed in large crowd. She is a bit introverted but don’t hesitate to protect those she loves around her. Like a fallen angel, Marie-Helene mind is full of contradiction. When she feels comfortable with those close to her, she is direct with no taboo and some time crude in expressing her thought, however she is always sincere.

We both share similar philosophy about life. She is a bit egoist and sometime possessive, both which are important to fuel our ambition. Some time she can get angry, which she let off steam with metal music. She is also a bit dark but not negative and know how to enjoy live at his fullest.

Dear little succubus, I hope I will be able to meet you soon for you are very special to me. You are the dream girl and muse I always wanted, and the perfect girl friend I was looking for.

Love you. XXX

jeudi 18 décembre 2008

Love Guilt & Remorse

Today I will talk about guilt & remorse in love relationship. But first, I will talk about guilt itself. According to my ever friendly Wikipedia: “Guilt is a cognitive or an emotional experience that occurs when a person realizes or believes - whether justified or not - that he or she has violated a moral standard, and is responsible for that violation.”

It’s also worth to note that: “Guilt has been used as a tool of social control, because people who feel guilty are less likely to assert their rights. As with any other emotion, guilt can be manipulated to control or influence others.”

Now, what I mean with love guilt is: Do you think that your moral standard is more important than the pleasure of the present moment? Do you think it’s wrong to love more than one person?

I believe that we should love those that deserve our love. While I don’t support “one night stand” relationship, should we really suppress our love because our moral standard?

I do think that it will depend for each individual; some will feel guilty because she will believe that she violated her moral standard while other might even enjoy the corrupted nature of the moral standard profanation. At the end, there is no set rule; however I believe that each of us are free to love who they want.

Well, that the “good” side of being “evil” I guess! You don’t feel guilty or any remorse from self-centered actions and always try to live at your fullest.

Until next time, ciao!

mardi 16 décembre 2008

Are you sure it’s the Truth?

I haven’t written in my blog for a while and I kind of feel bad about it. However, I must admit that I have been a bit busy lately so I might not be able to post a much as I would like.

I will still make my best for all my good reader that takes their times to come daily and see my newest articles. So today I will talk about another sensitive subject, humanity and what they believe.

We each have our own perception and theories about the existence so I would not expect everyone to agree with me. However, I will try to share some parts of my thought with you.

First to be known, I believe in what I see and feel. There is personally no point to believe in what other will try to impose to you without rational fact. Doing so would be in fact some kind of slavery as they try to control you with what they believe.

It’s in the human nature to give a meaning to everything around us. But what about the humanity itself? If animals are here to serves us as food and companions, the logical decision would be that we are here to serve a greater sentient being above us, right?

Another convenient lie made by no other then ourselves. Fact is, there are no meaning about anything, the rule of existence don’t care about such thing. The only meaning is the one established by humans. So why bother ourselves with greater power and promise of better life when you can live it right now?

It’s a fact that all concepts of our reality have been created by humans. Some are true, others are false, and some might be true than become false as we evolve. Ultimately, it means that what seem currently true is not necessary true as a whole.

Does it matter? Yes and no. We must not fool ourselves with pretty lie and illusion created by other peers in order to manipulate us. Let’s face it, humans are and will always be the most egoist animal on Earth. However, thinking that we can resolve every mysteries of the universe is also very foolish.

Thanks for reading!