samedi 13 décembre 2008

Life & Humour

Seriously I hate serious people. I am sorry but it just had to start like that! *Laughs* Does it mean I hate myself? Arrr… Let’s keep that for later, shall we?

But really, I love to laugh but dislike seriousness and peoples that cannot laughs of their own mistake. Honestly, I am not sure what I would do without humour; life would be so blend. For me, life is just like a game, if you don’t like your life then changes it.

Also, I am a dreamer, absent minded and like it that way! Maybe it’s that children part of my heart that simply refuses to die…that is rebelling against anything that could break up my little magic world.

Hopefully, one day I will find someone to share my little world with. Someone that will understand me and love me for who I am.

vendredi 12 décembre 2008

Contradiction of Past and Present

If anything, I am full of contradiction. Sometime I feel like I have all the shortcoming in the world while other time it’s completely the inverse. This is the same thing with my passion and interest, some time I am really passionate about them while other time they won’t interest me at all. Love and hate, light and darkness, theses contradictions are many in my mind and heart. Because of this I often have trouble to take decision for myself, no matter how important or silly they are. I am mysterious and simple at the same time.

Things don’t make much sense around me, some time I might regret an action but will be indifferent to the consequence at the same time. In my positive statement I am often negative; however the same hold true the other way as well. I will be positive when I am confronting negative event.

Does anything of this make sense? I am not sure about that… I often have hard time to find what I like or what is good for me. More often than not, I am thinking about silly things. At the end, I just want to be happy and feel good about myself. Will anyone be able to understand this conflict in my mind?

My Adorable Friends !

As you probably noticed I started to post a lot about my friend lately. I must admit that I really like to do this and it seems to interest most of you as well. So if you would like a blog about yourself or have a rather interesting subject, please don’t be afraid to contact me and it will be my pleasure to write one for you.

I would like to finish with this… Thank you all for coming, I love you all! *Smiles*

jeudi 11 décembre 2008

Dominique, The Teacher

Dominique is as you can guess, a teacher. Yes a teacher, one of my most terrible nightmare and nemesis! *Laughs*

Seriously, she teaches French class as second language in primary school and loves it. She likes to read book, particularly roman. She also likes to watch movie with a special liking for Disney film. She wants to travel through the world to see many different countries and also like camping.

She is a bit shy and reserved but become really social once she feel comfortable. She got a good humour sense and like to laughs. She also have a very open mind and aren’t afraid to try new experience. I enjoy talking with her because she is very friendly and comprehensive.

She is really a good friend and I am glad to have met her. I hope that we will be able to share some time together soon! Good night all!

Valérie, l’Énigmatique

Valérie est toute une fille, mystérieuse mais franche et coloré, vous être sure de ne pas vous ennuyer avec une fille aussi extraordinaire ! Elle aime plein de chose, mais la chose la plus importante pour elle est bien sure ces deux belle petite filles.

Elle aime les arts, mais ne dessine pas, toutefois elle aime beaucoup les images fantaisistes. Elle est bonne en artisanat, particulièrement dans la décoration et montage diverse. Elle adore tout ce qui est médiéval et aimerait beaucoup avoir un mariage médiéval. Comme activité, elle aime bien lire des livres ou poèmes, sortir au cinéma ou aller au restaurant avec son petit copain. Elle est aussi une excellente cuisinière qui invente ces propres recettes. Elle n’aime pas vraiment les sports à l’exception du hockey qu’elle aime bien regarder.

Valérie est une fille calme et timide mais qui a ces petit brins de folie. Elle est gentille, généreuse et très intuitive. Discuter avec elle est très plaisant, particulièrement du a sa grande ouverture d’esprit et le fait qu’elle ne possède aucun tabou. Elle est super compréhensive et lorsque l’on parler avec elle, on sent qu’on peut facilement lui confier tout nos secrets. De plus, Valérie est une fille très indépendante et peu matérialiste qui sais où mettre ces priorités tout en sachant en profiter.

J’ai toujours eu un peu de misère à décerner les défauts de cette fille mystérieuse. Je dirais qu’elle semble être un peu trop cru ou froid à l’occasion du a ca franchise. Elle est allergique aux noix et arachide (Tout un défaut !), ne comprend pas très bien l’anglais et n’écrit pas très rapidement à cause de ces longs ongles qui accrochent les touches du clavier ! *Rire*

C’est une fille vraiment magnifique et je peux vous assurer que son chum est certainement l’homme le plus heureux et chanceux sur terre. Elle est belle, charmante et séduisante. Elle possède aussi 2 tatous ainsi qu’un piercing au nombril et pense ce faire faire un nouveau tatou prochainement.

J’espère sincèrement qu’on pourra partager un peu de temps ensemble car tu est une amie extraordinaire. Je t’adore ma belle et te souhaite une belle soirée !

Jibbi, The Gamer

Today, I am going to talk about my friend Jibbi. Jibbi is a gamer, a hardcore gamer. Even more gamer than me! Yes you heard me well. Is that even possible?

Jibbi is a generous and honest guy, but more than anything he is really resourceful. Hard worker, he can fix about any things fast and easy. He got a good humour sense and a mischievous spirit. Bon vivant, he will amaze you constantly with his silly comments.

Needless to say that Jibbi like to game on his computer. However he also has a great music and movie collections. He like Bob Gratton show and love to smoke “bucket”. *Laughs*

He is reliable but can be a bit hard to switch off his computer. Despite that he is really a good guy and I am glad to have him as my friend!

Frederic, The Vampire

I am Frederic Vezina Rieux, a vampire in the modern society. I continually live at the edge between the death and the living looking for a new prey. Like a lone stalker, I creep in the darkness waiting for the moment to strike.

My darkest power? I feed from the energy of various passions, hobbits, interests, emotions and anything of values that surround me. When I find something pleasing I cling to it and explore it in all imaginable ways until nothing is left. In some way I destroy everything that I like around me. I am a beast of unsatisfying desires and that my curse.

My body is as cold as ice and my heart as black as the night. Reclusive and quiet as the wind, I am easily indifferent to the outside world. My odd taste for darkness only makes me stranger, yet mysterious from the outsider eye.

I love everything that is dark, mysterious, taboo and tempting. Also, because of my mischievous and curious mind, I often like to seduce, trick and corrupt others. Despite all of this, I am gentle and honest with those I love.

- Frederic, Your Friendly Vampire

mercredi 10 décembre 2008

A Dream of Passion

I dream of a day where I will live in harmony with everything around me. Every little pleasure would spark an interest in my mind. I would be easily excited, no matter how small the joy is. I would be so curious to feel and try new things. Being alive would never be that much enjoyable.

I would dance, following the song of the wind. Stare at the stars as the moon go through the sky. Admire every parts of my surrounding. Everything would be so unique and wonderful! My breath would feel more alive than ever before.

I would laughs and meet new friends everywhere I go. Even the smallest things would make me smiles. True pleasure would push me even further, in a state, almost like ecstasy, as I feel the blood rush in my vein. Positive energy would fuel my warm body everywhere I go.

I would never be bored, my mind full of creative idea and passion. It would feel like flying as my heart follows the beat of the drum.

It’s dream like this that allow me to continue to strive in this world of darkness. Peace be with you, brothers and sisters.

mardi 9 décembre 2008

Life Dreams, Where are we going?

Everyone have their own dreams, some want kids, to form a family and be married, others want to travel through the world and find new friends while some others would prefer to leave their mark in history. Those dreams are many and I believe that none are better than any other.

Yes, I already talked about this in an earlier blog but somehow I did feel like talking about it again even if it’s to repeat myself. I often think about my dream or what they could be. However, it’s not always easy. I would say that I don’t get excited easily and having a dream without really being excited about it is kind of pointless.

Now I wonder, can you have any dreams that you don’t care about it? Don’t seem to make sense really… On another side, do we need dream? Some peoples will simply live each day, one at the time after all. Perhaps I am like that.

However, the only problem I see is when you look back, you won’t see much evolution if you do not walk toward an objective and when you look forward, you have nothing to expect. So I think it’s best to setup some kinds of goal or objective as you move forward.

So what are mine? That a pretty good question… I would say: First, to find some peace for my soul so I can finally appreciate every little moments and pleasures that comes through. Then, find more friends and a sweet muse to come along with me as we explore the different opportunity that life has to offer.

The Love Torment

Oh dear pretty girl, I love you so much! I wish that you were here with me as we cuddle next to the fireplace…I wish I could kiss those soft lips of your and feel the warm of your body against mine. I want to stare at your eyes as you stare in mines. I want whisper in you ear how much I love you…

You have been looking at me with your pretty eyes while my mind was away. How could I miss you when you have been here the whole time? Will you ever forgive me? I am here waiting for you; we can be together if you wish so. My heart is tearing apart as you move away from me.

Your hair are so beautiful, you smiles so attractive, I only wishes I could take you away with me to my little world. We would be together, sharing our passion for each other forever.

To this mysterious girl,
I love you.

Love Relationship Group?

Here my new question shock for my little blog! Do you think that a love relationship can be established with more than two persons while everyone know about it? I mean, it’s possible for a group of like minded persons to love each others without jealousy? Would the love and friendship be shared evenly indefinitely or would it be doomed to fail one day or another?

Sometime, I wonder how it would work, though honestly I think it would probably fail as we barely ever heard of such things in the society. But should it work, I am not sure if it would create more trouble than a standard couple or not. After all, it would be somehow like a family.

At the end, I am really not sure about that. I mean, sexual orientation could be a problem in some cases. Also, it’s already hard enough to find one person that we like and share the same interest!

lundi 8 décembre 2008

The Sun Buster

Yes, I constructed a mega laser on the moon and I am getting ready to burst the sun to bits! *Evil Laughs* The biggest firework ever saw by humanity! There will be a fiery wave of heat followed by eternal cold that will clean our systems from the human infestation. Then everything will be quiet for millennia.

Thanks to me there will be no more suffering, no more torment. Only the cold and emptiness will remain. No more pleasure or displeasure, no more happiness or unhappiness. No more worry or sadness, absolutely nothing will be left behind.

We will all be free from everything, our compulsion, boredom, needs, regrets and thoughts. This will be the end of something that should never have started. How will be the universe without us? Just like it was before we got here. We are but small flies compared to the immensity of the universe. Good or evil, everyone will finally know the true peace.

When you think about it… this can be quite frightening. It looks crazy, why would we want to live anyway? If you want to live, then live it right now. Live every second like they were your last one. Humans aren’t mean to live the mediocre life that most are doing right now. We need to enjoy what we have and do what we really want to do as we never know when the sun finally going to explode because of some mad scientist. *Wicked Grins*

Love & Relationships

There are many kinds of relationship that can be established between two humans, from simple acquaintance to serious relation. We each have our own expectation and I think that it’s very important to know what you are looking for and what you expect from each other.

Deceive and false hope will often lead to break up. However, it’s not always easy to communicate with your friend and lover. Relations types are many: acquaintance, friendship, casual relationship, romantic relationship, lover, couple, soul mate, serious relation, wedding, etc. Also, they might have a different meaning for each partner.

As the time move forward, your feeling and relationship with someone can change. That is why communication is always important. Also, we should never take our relationship with our partner for granted.

dimanche 7 décembre 2008

Kinky or not kinky?

As it been said in previous blog, the sexuality is often a taboo subject in our society. What is even more taboo, is the different sexual activities and practices that exists.

Some of those practices might be outright frightening, particularly those that never experienced it or had a bad experience. However, most of it is entirely psychological, in fact I believe that a good share of the pain and pleasure come directly from the psychological side.

Today I will talk about BDSM, which usually stand for: Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism. Pretty much everyone will experiment one form or another of BDSM during their life. BDSM cover a wide amount of activities, which include some forms of dominance, submission, discipline, punishment, bondage, sexual role-playing, sexual fetishism, sadomasochism and power exchange.

It’s very important to note that BDSM should not and is not a form of sexual abuse. The relationships and practices should always be exercised under the philosophy of safe, sane and consensual. I do think that some aspects of it can not only spice a relationship but improve the sensation feel between the two partners.

However, this is not something that is needed to enjoy sexual intercourse, nor should it be imposed to someone or rushed. At the end, we each have our own kink and I think that it’s very important to listen and respect your partner. So be kinky, and more importantly, have fun!

Temptation of Darkness

I often talk about Darkness… the eternal fight between Good and Evil, the positive and negative, the white and black, the great battle that continue to strive for century in our world.

Darkness is all about temptation, an act that looks appealing to an individual despite the negative connotations that tends to lead a person to regret such actions.

Do I believe that temptation is bad? No, without this temptation life would definitely be incredibly dull. However, I do believe that not only we need to keep some control over it but we need to be able to see through the veil of this temptation. It’s easy to fail in the clutch of shadow but often there is a lot more hidden behind it.

I have a great open mind, I am curious and I really love to explore the darkest arts and inner thoughts but I recently discovered how much stronger positive energy could be. You can fight fire with fire, but most of the time it’s much more efficient to fight it with water.

What I mean is that Light can easily be as desirable as Darkness. The main difference will be the discipline and self control that you exert. At the end, I think it’s best to follow our heart and live the present moment at his fullest.

Blanche, The Mysterious

Blanche is one of my latest friends that I meet last month over Internet. Unfortunately, I cannot talk with her as much as I would like as she is very busy with her studies. She is currently doing a doctorate in medicine.

Blanche is a very mysterious girl. I can’t say that I know her very well yet but I will try my best to describe her. She is the most thoughtful and understanding person I ever saw in my live. She don’t let’s herself be overwhelmed by her emotion, whatever they are positives or negatives; she is always very calm and listen to what others have to say. She is caring, patient, persistent but not stubborn and take her time before answering, analyzing all possibility. Basically, she got every skills needed to become a very good doctor.

She has a sweet little girl, probably the most important thing in her live! She loves to sew her own clothing. Also, she is very good at drawing. Like me, she is a dreamer and idealist. She like everything related to fantasy, such as drawing and role playing games. She also loves manga and anime. When you talk to her, you can stay yourself and say absolutely anything without fear of reprisal and I do think that is what that is making our friendship truth.

What are her shortcomings? Well, I am going to admit that she hide them pretty well! *laughs* She seems a bit timid perhaps, and her logical approach might make her seem like she is cold in some circumstances. Working as doctor in hospital is definitely not easy, it’s very demanding and you constantly see peoples suffering but you can’t let’s your emotion take control of you either. Otherwise, she got her own little demon, like anyone, but I think she is doing really well fighting it.

I would like to finish by saying that she is really a lovable girl and that I am really glad to have her as my friend. I only wish she had more free time to share!

Marie, The Jukebox

Today I will talk about my ex and now friend, Marie-Eve Paul. There is much I could say about her but I will try to keep it short!

Marie-Eve is an incredible girl with very high love, devotion and passion. When she likes something, she will give all her energy and effort in order to improve it. She is very respectful about everything she likes and takes her responsibility and duty at heart. She is very open minded, generous, social with a good humour sense. She got a very good memory and can remember about everything!

What she loves above everything, except her lover, is music. She like all kind of music but mostly punk and pop rock. She can also remember most music once she heard it and loves to play all guitar hero games, which she is getting pretty good as well. She is also very outgoing and love to share time with her lover and friends. She like simple things, such as shopping with friend or going out to restaurant.

Like all little humans that we are, she got her bad side as well. Her biggest shortcoming is her impulsivity. She can also be quite stubborn when she decides something. However, she is currently working pretty hard on those weaknesses and I do believe that as the time move on, she is getting a better grasp on them. Also being stubborn can have its own advantage as she shows great perseverance in order to get what she want.

Why we are no longer together? Well that a pretty good question as she is really a good girl. However, we did not share the same expectation on the kind of relation we wanted. At the end, it made us both sad and unhappy. Do I regret this relation? No, I am really glad to have shared this time with her. I think we had our share of good and bad times. Also, we both learned much from it and I am really glad to have her as my friend!