dimanche 7 décembre 2008

Blanche, The Mysterious

Blanche is one of my latest friends that I meet last month over Internet. Unfortunately, I cannot talk with her as much as I would like as she is very busy with her studies. She is currently doing a doctorate in medicine.

Blanche is a very mysterious girl. I can’t say that I know her very well yet but I will try my best to describe her. She is the most thoughtful and understanding person I ever saw in my live. She don’t let’s herself be overwhelmed by her emotion, whatever they are positives or negatives; she is always very calm and listen to what others have to say. She is caring, patient, persistent but not stubborn and take her time before answering, analyzing all possibility. Basically, she got every skills needed to become a very good doctor.

She has a sweet little girl, probably the most important thing in her live! She loves to sew her own clothing. Also, she is very good at drawing. Like me, she is a dreamer and idealist. She like everything related to fantasy, such as drawing and role playing games. She also loves manga and anime. When you talk to her, you can stay yourself and say absolutely anything without fear of reprisal and I do think that is what that is making our friendship truth.

What are her shortcomings? Well, I am going to admit that she hide them pretty well! *laughs* She seems a bit timid perhaps, and her logical approach might make her seem like she is cold in some circumstances. Working as doctor in hospital is definitely not easy, it’s very demanding and you constantly see peoples suffering but you can’t let’s your emotion take control of you either. Otherwise, she got her own little demon, like anyone, but I think she is doing really well fighting it.

I would like to finish by saying that she is really a lovable girl and that I am really glad to have her as my friend. I only wish she had more free time to share!

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