jeudi 11 décembre 2008

Dominique, The Teacher

Dominique is as you can guess, a teacher. Yes a teacher, one of my most terrible nightmare and nemesis! *Laughs*

Seriously, she teaches French class as second language in primary school and loves it. She likes to read book, particularly roman. She also likes to watch movie with a special liking for Disney film. She wants to travel through the world to see many different countries and also like camping.

She is a bit shy and reserved but become really social once she feel comfortable. She got a good humour sense and like to laughs. She also have a very open mind and aren’t afraid to try new experience. I enjoy talking with her because she is very friendly and comprehensive.

She is really a good friend and I am glad to have met her. I hope that we will be able to share some time together soon! Good night all!

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