samedi 22 novembre 2008

MMORPG: Warhammer Online

Today I will go with a little change of subject and talk about one of the main MMORPG I am playing right now, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. At the first glance, this game is very similar to the famous World of Warcraft. However, a lot of little things making it much more interesting.

One of the main focus of Warhammer Online is the RvR (Realms Versus Realms). In this case, it's the force of Destruction against the force of Order. You can PvE (Players versus Environment) all the way as well but you will usually get dragged in RvR combat even if you usually don't like this as it's really well done. I might add that you can start doing PvP (Players versus Players) even at the very start and will gain reasonable experiences, renown and coins from doing so.

Another interesting aspect is keeps and fortress fight, where you can use all kinds of sieges weapon to bring your opponents down. From hellblaster cannon to battering ram and boiling oil, you have everything you need to destroy the opposing force or defend your stronghold.

Public Quest is also another interesting aspect that allow all players in the same area to pursue the same objectives in order to beat a boss and find interesting item depending on the contribution of everyone.

The only major flaw I seen so far is probably the low population on most server, particularly when off peak time. Still, most of the time it's pretty easy to enter in PvP scenario. Graphics and special effects are pretty well done, particularly for a MMORPG and don't require a beast to run it (I can even make it run on my laptop).

If you are interested in giving it a try, you can find more details on Warhammer Online website. I also invite you all to come on Volkmar server on Destruction side, the unofficial servers for Quebec. Feel free to visit Seigneurs Noir website for more information about our guild.

Warhammer Online Opening Cinematic

vendredi 21 novembre 2008

Ténèbres dans mon Cœur

Douce maitresse de mes douleurs. Toujours présente, veillent le moindre de mes pas. Tu me suis comme un ombre car ombre tu es. Une ombre a l’intérieur de mon cœur. Tu as milles et un visage, certains te craigne, d’autres t’admire mais tous te respecte.

Gracieuse séductrice que tu es, ton chant doux et mélodieux appelle les âmes perdu telle une sirène dans un vaste océan. Calme mais imprévisible en même temps, tu frappe dans nos cœurs lorsque nous nous en attendons le moins. Mère de nos passions, dans notre esprit, les désires les plus étranges tu fais naitre.

Cachetière et remplie de mystère, tu ouvre notre curiosités et imaginations sur de nouvelle horizon. Souvent incomprise, parfois dangereux ou interdit, tu nous émerveille constamment. Toujours loyale et fidèle, tu réside en nous pour l’éternité.

jeudi 20 novembre 2008

Living at the Edge of Darkness

Following the path of shadow aren't for everyone. I am walking this world alone most of my time with only my inner demon and the song of shadow to hold me company through my travel.

One of the hardest things you must go through when you are alone is the lack of consideration, gratitude, love and support from your peer. Everything you do, you must do it for yourself only. If you are not careful, you might get attached. Being in love with someone that share your interest is certainly not bad. However, you have to be careful so that this person do not become your passion and devotion. Otherwise you are bound to meet deception one day or another.

Funny thing is that despite all of this, anyone that know me in RL know that I am actually someone with a great humor sense. I love to laugh and often have a little wicked smiles on my face.

Never forget that nothing is permanent, everything can change from one day to another. Also, remember that the world is full of lies and illusions and everyone is guided by their own ego. You need to be able to see through them, which can be rather hard some time.

L'Art des Ténèbres

Moi et les ténèbres avons un drôle de relation! D'un coter je les adore, je suis mystifier par sa puissance, son coter énigmatique et séductrice. Alors que de l'autre bord, j'en ai terriblement peur. Étrangement, elles sont autant la source de mes tristesses que de mon réconfort. Elles effrayent mais protègent en même temps.

La majorité du monde préfère éviter ce sujet et c'est exactement pourquoi j'ai décidé de faire un certain focus sur les ténèbres a travers de mon blog. Aux files des années, a force de côtoyer les ténèbres j'ai appris à les respecter. Je pense qu'elle représente quelques chose de très profond dans l'inconscience humaine et qu'il important d'en accorder une certaine attention.

Les personnes qui côtoient les ténèbres sont couramment montrer du doigt comme étant des marginaux et des fous ayant besoin de soins psychologique. Toutefois, cela ne fait que renforcer le stéréotype du "bien contre le mal" alors quand réalité ils sont fait pour coexister dans le cœur de tous et chacun.

Quand a moi, j'ai toujours été attiré parce ce qui est sombre et macabre, mystérieux et attrayant, séductrice et sanglant, paisible et violent. Oui, tout comme les ténèbres, je suis terriblement controversé et j'ai un certain intérêt pour tout ce qui est "tabou".

Ironiquement, j'ai toujours été une personne "modèle" dans la société...

Mes Regrets

J'ai toujours eu comme philosophie de vivre sans aucun regret et je dois admettre qu’en général je me suis bien débrouillé à l'exception d'une chose, mon existence. C'est la chose que je regrette le plus depuis les 10 dernières années. La seule chose qui me maintien en vie est probablement la peur et l'espoir, bien que ce dernier diminue a chaque journée qui passe.

Et oui, je n'ai vécu aucune journée, ou même minute ou seconde pour lequel je puisse me dire: Une chance que je suis vivant! Déception, illusion, ennuie font maintenant parti de mon quotidien. Bien sure, j'ai expérimenté de bonne émotion a l'occasion, comme mon premier amour par exemple. Mais j’échangerais volontiers tout ces émotions pour la tranquillité conférer par le vide absolue.

*Soupir Profond* Ne plus pensée, ne plus souffrir, juste le vide.

Cry and Hate

As if a day could not get worse, here we go. I was crying a lot yesterday night as I was alone in my bed, thinking about those I love until I finally notice how I really hate them. My heart grow as black as the coal and cold as stone. All this lost passion transformed into pure hate.

Somehow, I think I can understand how a psychotic killer can feel. Media often cover them as crazy persons, and perhaps some parts of them are really crazy, just like me. When I think about anyone, only one thing come to my mind, how much I hate them. And it's the only thing that seem to stench my sorrow.

Being alone have it's own advantage, such as no need to hold this stupid illusion to everyone. But in the end, you are still alone, alone against the whole world and this can weight heavily on your shoulders.

I... I don't think there is any words that could explain this hatred. I am lonely, yet I hate everything that could make me happy. It feel so empty from the inside. Life feel like a lose-lose situation. No matter what I do, I lose.

*Sighs deeply* I know, I keep repeating myself in my blog and it's probably not that interesting but that how I feel and I want to express it as much as I can. After all, in the end this blog will probably the only true thing left in this world of lie about me.

mercredi 19 novembre 2008

Just another day

So, I am here, lying down in my bed, lost in my thoughts. From time to time I think about work but most of the time I am trying to think about what I could think about! I am listening to the music as I sighs softly.

It's so empty that some time I would like to cry but I got nothing to really cry about. So, what I am doing? Waiting for another day to finish? It kind of look like that. Without will or devotion, I don't know where I am going, like a boat without direction or wind.

Maybe I am waiting for someone to hear my plea for help? Someone to accompany me during those dark hours. Maybe I am waiting for tomorrow to see what it will bring? Hoping that one day I will see the thing right like everyone else, that I will find this passion, some thing of interest that will be worth my time and effort. A reason to wake up each morning. To eat, breath and continue living on this wretched world.

*Sighs* I don't know... Everything seem so hopeless most of the time. Yet, I am still here, perhaps it's just some kinds of martyrdom.

Me and the Internet

Today, I will try to talk about thing I like even if I am not really in the mood. But honestly there is not much going on in my mind right now anyway.

Let's see... Well I gonna admit that like this little blog, even if there is about no visitor at all, at least it allow me to express how I feel. So a big thanks to Internet and it's community!

Because of my current work, I am working on Internet easily 12 hours per days. Needless to say that sometime I got bored to see that screen. Still, I have difficulty to find something else to do when I am away from this screen. It's kinda strange eh?

Some time I watch the TV too, but honestly, it's pretty much the same as watching it over my computer when you think about it. Hell, I can watch pretty much any movies or animes on my computer, or play any games while listening my favorite music.

On another hand, I suppose that those kinds of activities fit best for someone that is introvert and mostly alone. And who know, maybe I will meet some nice folks over Internet one day!

mardi 18 novembre 2008

The Black Sheep

The little black sheep salute you all!

Why a black sheep? Because I follow the society like everyone else while my thoughts go against it. At the same time, I am a loner, apart of everyone else, with my own thoughts and little world.

It still got it's own appeal I guess... I gonna admit that there is always been some thing a bit seductive about darkness. Anyhow, being alone is probably one of the worse feeling someone can have... And that what I am.

I am alone without being alone in same time. I mean, I have parents, a brother and friends, yet at the same time I feel like there is only me at the end, me and my crazy thoughts.

Why so much hate in my heart?

That a question that I often ask to myself. Why do I hate everything that surround me ? Well, one thing for sure, there is no wonder why I feel alone after this. *Closes his eyes and sighs softly*

Darkness is all that is close to me, in my little world. *Open his eyes* Inanimate objects, my computer, my desk, my room, my house, my city, my country, my world... and animate being, insects, animals and humans, all livings in this place. That the world we are all living in.

Maybe I am just some greedy weirdo that cannot appreciate what he already have. *Thinks then shrug* Whatever. When you thinks that there is millions of peoples that don't even have something to eat, and yet, I am still here with my strange rant about life.

All of this make no sense at all. Perhaps it's a masochist side of me. Each second I breath is even more suffering.

Welcome to my Melancholia.

dimanche 16 novembre 2008

Where my passion is gone to?

That actually a good questions. In fact, it been gone for so long that I can hardly find any answers. I see a lot of peoples putting so much energy in things that seem pointless to me. I wonder how they do that.

Actually, I get tired and bored very quickly even when doing thing that I "like". You cannot even imagine how I dislike the rest. Meh! And it's not like I did not try other things. Peoples keep saying: "You just have to try different things, I am sure you will find something for you!" or "You need a positive attitude otherwise it won't work". Well yes, you might be right but I already heard you the first time.

However, it's not that easy when you are alone and everything show as a deception and in vain. And why it's like that anyway? Why I don't have any interests, passions, will and perseverance ? Why everything seem so dull and pointless ?

How human beings can be so deceiving ?

Really, some times I wonder what is wrong with us. Every one that I love (or should I say, loved) always end up in deceiving me, badly. With time my heart start to grow so cold and losing any passions I might have in anything. Everything become so gray. *Sighs*

I know that I am not better than anyone on this subject, I am a human as well after all. Also, I know that a lot is related with our ego. We each have our little world after all. It's normal wanting to be happy and one day or another you will have to step on someone else foot.

Still, the whole concept kinda bother me. In the end we have no choice but to trust others hoping for the best.

Yes, I really do despise humanity.

Mes Rêves

Lorsque que nous fermons nos yeux, notre cerveau crée toute sorte d'images et de pensées. Les rêves sont différents pour tous et chacun, et représente une certaine partie caché de notre inconscient. Ils peuvent représenter des désires ou des craintes.

Comme la majorité du monde, quelques un de mes rêves sont basés sur des éléments qui se sont passé durant la journée (s’ils ont été
particulièrement marquants). Mais la majorité de mes pensées sont complètement surréaliste, exotique, remplie de mystère et de choses inimaginable. Cela doit faire partie de mon coter curieux, toujours a l'affut du surnaturel qui nous entour.

J'ai souvent des pensées très sombre et sanglant, surtout avant de m'endormir. On pourrait dire
qu'un combat contre l'humanité ce déroule en permanence dans mes penses.

Je ne rêve jamais à des choses simples. En fait, je suis incapable
de m'endormir si j'essaye de penses a quelques chose de calme et paisible. Étrange, eh?

Dislike of human race

There is much that I dislike, but none is bigger than humans. That might look weird at first, but I rather be with any animals, plants or inanimate objects than any humans.

Of course, I am still a human myself, so I am somehow attracted to do some social contact from time to time, like with this blog. But it don't take much time before I got bored from anyone. In fact, I pretty much hate any one that is outside of my little world, which is well... pretty much everyone actually.

But why do I dislike people in general but not animal and such? Perhaps because they are truth to their natures, they don't try to hide under a veil of illusions and lies. Animals cannot really deceive you, unlike other humans. Well, that just a guess, but I am likely not too far from the truth.

That is a fact, I really dislike parties, conferences and any kinds of similar meetings. However, some parts of me still want to meet new peoples. I think it's because of hope... Hope that one day I will find someone that might understand me, someone which I could share my little world with.