mercredi 19 novembre 2008

Me and the Internet

Today, I will try to talk about thing I like even if I am not really in the mood. But honestly there is not much going on in my mind right now anyway.

Let's see... Well I gonna admit that like this little blog, even if there is about no visitor at all, at least it allow me to express how I feel. So a big thanks to Internet and it's community!

Because of my current work, I am working on Internet easily 12 hours per days. Needless to say that sometime I got bored to see that screen. Still, I have difficulty to find something else to do when I am away from this screen. It's kinda strange eh?

Some time I watch the TV too, but honestly, it's pretty much the same as watching it over my computer when you think about it. Hell, I can watch pretty much any movies or animes on my computer, or play any games while listening my favorite music.

On another hand, I suppose that those kinds of activities fit best for someone that is introvert and mostly alone. And who know, maybe I will meet some nice folks over Internet one day!

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