samedi 15 novembre 2008

Les Animes

Sur une note plus positive cette fois, je vais vous parler d'une chose qui accroche souvent mon intérêt, il s'agit des animes. Il y en a pour tout les gouts, certain son drôle, d'autre beaucoup plus sérieux, de la fantaisie a la science-fiction, de la romance a l'action. On y retrouve généralement un bon mélange.

Ce que j'aime c'est que les histoires sont souvent très original et on apprend à connaitre les personnages a fur et a mesure que l'on écoute la séries. C'est en quelques sortes, similaire a un livre. Les films ne dure pas assez longtemps pour qu'on puisse véritablement s'accrocher a un personnage alors que plusieurs séries possède un nombre très impressionnant de saisons. De quoi vous garder occuper très longtemps.

Le seul désavantage lorsque je fini une bonne série c'est que je souhaite qu'elle puisse continuer encore et encore!

Elfen Lied – Opening Song

The American Dream

Everyone have their dreams and hopes. Whatever they are, some do come more often than others. For example, most peoples want a house with a wife, a car and some kids, along with enough money to travel and keep them happy. That is what I call the American dream.

Somehow, I don't expect those things from life. In fact some times I wonder why every one want that! I mean, what is so fascinating in that? *Sighs*

In any case, it's well know that human are unsatisfiable creatures, once they get what they want, they will want something else anyway. On other hand, I suppose that those illusions help them to keep moving through life.

As for me, I just want to be. I don't have any interests in any of those things. I never dreamed of my life about such absurd thoughts. Of course, my dreams are usually even more absurd than this, but that another story!

La Solitude

Ce n'est jamais facile de vivre seul. Enfaite, l'être humain n'est pas fait pour cela. C'est une créature sociale qui a besoin de communiquer et d'être reconnue auprès de ces pairs. Ceci est principalement du a cause de son ego. Il recherche constamment a valoriser son existence grâce a l'approbation de ces collègues.

Laisser tout seul, il doit apprendre a faire ces choses pour soi-même. Choses qui sont beaucoup plus difficile à faire qu'il ne le semble. Cela demande un niveau de persévérance et volonté particulièrement élevée. C'est pour ca que nous communiquons avec les autres, afin de rechercher cette force caché en nous qui nous dit: Tu ne fait pas ca pour rien, continue! Ou le contraire, selon la discutions bien sure.

Le problème lorsque tu es seul dans ton petit univers c'est que tu as l'impression d'aller contre toute la société constamment. Mais d'un autre coter, c'est ce qu'on recherche, n'est-ce pas? Cette individualité qui nous distinct les un des autres.

Heart of Darkness

Why is my heart so dark and empty? Or should I ask, what is this darkness? How come I am somehow attracted by it?

I believe that each persons can give his own definitions on this subject. However, for me it's something that is seductive yet frightening at same times. It's the emptiness and the void. It's the mysterious and the unknown.

It can hurt yet it can also give some comfort at the same time. Sad and depressive peoples will often seek for the easy comfort that darkness can bring. However, as long as you live within it, you won't know any true rest.

One of the most frightening effect of darkness are how seductive some of your thought can come to your mind. Immoral thoughts and other things that you would have never thought about. Those thoughts can be quite interesting when you take time to analyze them and you might even find deeper and darker one.

So, what is so attracting about darkness? Aren't "light" much better and healthy ? Well, you are probably right about the fact that it's more healthy. However, I think it's different for each persons. As for me, I think I look over this darkness as some kind of protection. It's probably the only thing that I can always count on it. Since I am pretty much alone in my little world, this darkness is my only true companion I had since the beginning. It's always been here with me in my heart and it will always be.

vendredi 14 novembre 2008

Qui suis-je?

Je m'appelle Frédéric et j'ai maintenant 28 ans. La majorité du monde me considère comme un introverti qui ne sort que trop rarement de chez lui ou un geek qui passe sont temps sur son ordinateur. Ce qui n'est pas si loin de la vérité en fait.

Je fais mon possible pour aider mon entourage et prendre part aux responsabilités qui me son attribu
é. Bref, un parfait petit mouton. Une belle illusion qui est en place depuis des années. Bien sure notre monde est remplit d'illusion similaire. Nous projetons tous une certaine façade que ce sois consciemment ou inconsciemment, pour nous protéger du monde extérieur que nous ne contrôlons pas.

Il est pratiquement impossible de savoir ce qu'une autre personne pense ou croie réellement, bien que des fois c'est probablement préférable de ne pas le savoir. Il n'en reste que je suis une personne qui préfère rester franche avec ces émotions mais malheureusement, ce n'est pas toujours possible dans la société d'aujourd'hui.

Alors que devons nous faire? Projeter une illusion afin de manipuler et contrôler le monde? Après tout, les médias ne représente qu'une petite partie de ce qui ce passe tout les jours dans notre quotidiens. Non seulement nous sommes contrôler par nos croyances, nos connaissances (ou plutôt l'ignorance) et notre perception des choses mais nous le somme également par tous nos pairs.

Et donc, c'est travers de ce blog que vous pourrez découvrir un autre parti de mon être. Plus sombre, tel un démon enchaîné qui réside seul dans mon cœur depuis des années.

Patrick Groulx Parodie

What I like, or should I say time killer ?

So here I decided to talk about the things I like. Now that a bit tricky as I consider them more as time killer than anything else. But still, it can do the trick some time when I am really in the mood.

I can safely say that I like computer in general. They do as they should, at least most of the time, and are great distraction. You can find plenty of things over Internet and there are some games I like to play from time to time.

Anime, Ah yes.. I really like some of those manga drawing. You will notice that I often use dark anime pictures on this blog. Anime have the power to make us think about things that you would never have thought possible or even imaginable. Perfect to make anyone a bit crazy. *Grins*

Paranormal, supernatural, magic, science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, occultism, Ah the list is long! I am pretty interested about such things. I like what is unreal and unnatural. Sadly, since they are not real, it can only stay as an pretty illusion in our mind.

What else? I like to listen to music, particularly punk rock, but also some alternative rock, pop and other various music groups.

Now that you think about it, I guess everything is a time killer. But some are more productive, and at least give you a feeling of evolution and improvement while other leave a taste of static and routine.

Otherwise, I like to watch TV/Movie from time to time, particularly comedy and science-fiction (but those are rarely well done unfortunately).

Ah yes, one last thing, I like role playing game, whatever they are on computer or around a table with friend.

That it, that my whole list of time killer. Nothing really crazy, eh?

Mood of the Month: A little Sad and Lonely

Yeah, well... that how I am right now and I might add that I have been like that for a while. I feel like I am all alone in my little universe and while my friends try to cheer me up, it seem to do the opposite, which make me feel even more lonely.

So anyway, today I decided to create this blog. Perhaps to share some of my sorrow or simply to keep my mind busy with something to do. Probably a bit of both.

So the first questions that most of you will have should be: Why are you so sad? Why don't you go out with your friend? Do something you like!

Of course, I keep hearing those and I am believe that they are good suggestions actually. Since we are already here, let's have some fun, eh? So what wrong with me?

That a good question... and not one that I can answer easily. Perhaps I just like to be sad or use it as a way to attract some attentions. So I will resume it to this: I can feel it deep down in my heart and soul, the emptiness and lack of passion in everything that surround me. I simply have no interest in any freaking things. Quite a depressive and pessimist view, eh?

Of course, I did not explore everything on this good old planet, and never will I either. (Nor do I care)

So I keep thinking a lot... about this and that. Who I am really? Is there really nothing that I like? Some things do keep me busy for at least a few hours. I have to, otherwise I would be even more crazy than I am right now.

I might add that I like to make random theories, whatever they are right or totally wrong. Perhaps I should have been philosopher instead.

So basically, I will keep this little space on Internet to write down some of my darkest thoughts and weirdest theories. You might even find it entertaining for all I know. And with each new blog you might learn a little piece of my inner self.

Good reading!