vendredi 12 décembre 2008

Contradiction of Past and Present

If anything, I am full of contradiction. Sometime I feel like I have all the shortcoming in the world while other time it’s completely the inverse. This is the same thing with my passion and interest, some time I am really passionate about them while other time they won’t interest me at all. Love and hate, light and darkness, theses contradictions are many in my mind and heart. Because of this I often have trouble to take decision for myself, no matter how important or silly they are. I am mysterious and simple at the same time.

Things don’t make much sense around me, some time I might regret an action but will be indifferent to the consequence at the same time. In my positive statement I am often negative; however the same hold true the other way as well. I will be positive when I am confronting negative event.

Does anything of this make sense? I am not sure about that… I often have hard time to find what I like or what is good for me. More often than not, I am thinking about silly things. At the end, I just want to be happy and feel good about myself. Will anyone be able to understand this conflict in my mind?

2 commentaires:

koko a dit...

hi, i found your blog randomly! And this post really caught my eyes... Since sometimes I feel like that... Well, i hope you will feel better? Don't think too much! See you!

Fred a dit...

Thank you for your comment.

I am really happy to see that someone else feel like I do some time.

I try not to think too much about it except when I try to express myself, such as on this blog.

See ya!