mardi 9 décembre 2008

Love Relationship Group?

Here my new question shock for my little blog! Do you think that a love relationship can be established with more than two persons while everyone know about it? I mean, it’s possible for a group of like minded persons to love each others without jealousy? Would the love and friendship be shared evenly indefinitely or would it be doomed to fail one day or another?

Sometime, I wonder how it would work, though honestly I think it would probably fail as we barely ever heard of such things in the society. But should it work, I am not sure if it would create more trouble than a standard couple or not. After all, it would be somehow like a family.

At the end, I am really not sure about that. I mean, sexual orientation could be a problem in some cases. Also, it’s already hard enough to find one person that we like and share the same interest!

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