mardi 16 décembre 2008

Are you sure it’s the Truth?

I haven’t written in my blog for a while and I kind of feel bad about it. However, I must admit that I have been a bit busy lately so I might not be able to post a much as I would like.

I will still make my best for all my good reader that takes their times to come daily and see my newest articles. So today I will talk about another sensitive subject, humanity and what they believe.

We each have our own perception and theories about the existence so I would not expect everyone to agree with me. However, I will try to share some parts of my thought with you.

First to be known, I believe in what I see and feel. There is personally no point to believe in what other will try to impose to you without rational fact. Doing so would be in fact some kind of slavery as they try to control you with what they believe.

It’s in the human nature to give a meaning to everything around us. But what about the humanity itself? If animals are here to serves us as food and companions, the logical decision would be that we are here to serve a greater sentient being above us, right?

Another convenient lie made by no other then ourselves. Fact is, there are no meaning about anything, the rule of existence don’t care about such thing. The only meaning is the one established by humans. So why bother ourselves with greater power and promise of better life when you can live it right now?

It’s a fact that all concepts of our reality have been created by humans. Some are true, others are false, and some might be true than become false as we evolve. Ultimately, it means that what seem currently true is not necessary true as a whole.

Does it matter? Yes and no. We must not fool ourselves with pretty lie and illusion created by other peers in order to manipulate us. Let’s face it, humans are and will always be the most egoist animal on Earth. However, thinking that we can resolve every mysteries of the universe is also very foolish.

Thanks for reading!

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