dimanche 21 décembre 2008

Me, I and myself

I am such an egoist that I always do actions or ideas for my own pleasure. I live for myself, not for others. I might look like a weird animal to those that aren’t used to that. I am evil? According to our moral standard, yes. But is evil really evil?

The seven deadly sins, according to Christian Church, are: greed, pride, envy, anger, gluttony, lust and sloth. But, are they really “sins”? If yes, then I am a pretty bad sinner, and I am probably not the only one. Not only do I sins, but I like it and am proud of it. I do think that those so-called sins all lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification.

In this world where the strong dominate the weaker mind, why should we love our enemy? If we love them does that not place us at their mercy? I think we should show kindness to those who deserve it, love strongly and completely those who deserve our love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy.

The moral standard as been imposed as a way to pacify the world population for many years. Through conformity, it’s much easier to control the population. Morality is a code of conduct held to be authoritative in matters of right and wrong. But, what is right and wrong?

And always remember, conformity is the death of the soul.

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