lundi 22 décembre 2008

Ophélie, La Française

Ophélie is at the same time a good friend and my worse nemesis at work! *Grins* We have such a love/hate relationship that some time we find it very funny. Ophélie come from France and got a bad attitude to correct me every time I write in French so I decided to write this text in English!

Ophélie now live in Quebec with her lover. She is still a bit far away from my home so I cannot see her as often as I would like but that certainly won’t stop me to come at least once per year. Speaking of which, she should come see me next time… why I am always the one that is travelling?!

Anyway… Ophélie is really nice once she got to know you; otherwise you are best to be careful. If you see what she is doing to her cat, I can’t imagine what she would do to a human! *Smirk* Oh my, she will so kill me when she will read that… *Look around* Sincerely, she love her cats!

Since I am still alive, I will continue! Seriously, she has a lot of good points. She is a hard worker, persevering and very perfectionist that will do anything to bother her colleague. She is very knowledgeable about pretty much anything and I love to talk with her about all and nothing.

Her weakness? Sushi and World of Warcraft! *laughs* She is really a fine girl, with very interesting interest. She likes to laughs but know how to be serious when required. She is very professional at her work but don’t seem to sleep enough!

Go to bed already! Sleep and relax, you really merit it.

Take care!


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