dimanche 4 janvier 2009

Back to the Darkness

Yes, the circle turns on again. Back to where I started so many years ago. Dwelling in the cold void of the abyss, where nothing but darkness exists. Alone but accompanied at the same time. Would anyone take my soul, even if it was given for free?

Would anyone have any use of my existence? I am not sure… I have so many flaws; I doubt anyone, but a masochist, would like to be hindered by someone like me. I really wonder if my life could be of some use to anyone and if it would be worth the time to known me. Yes, that pretty depressive and negative speech but I got to say it. After all, that was the original purpose of this blog.

Most of you will either know me as a friend, acquaintance, family or former lover. Thank you all for your patience and support. However, the more the time move on, the more I wonder what is left for me. Another lover? A better work? A better place to live in? New places to explore? Is that all this game has to offer?

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