samedi 6 décembre 2008

Dan, The Cursed

Today, I decided to talk about one of my best friend, Daniel D’Amico. I must admit that he is not feeling well right now but I wanted to devote this little blog to him.

He is a great friend that is always here to help you when you are in need. However, life is not always fair; in fact, it’s not fair at all. Some time even the best guy finish last and that is the story of his life. However, I would like to first talk about who he is.

Dan is very friendly, social, helpful and resourceful guy. Like me, he got a great sense of humour, open mind and likes to try new things. He is interested in pretty much everything, but he really like to share some times with his friends, role playing games, medieval live events, karaoke, animes and meet new girl. *Chuckles* He is very skilled with computers and its ingenuity allow him to fix most technical issues quickly.

He got a great sense of honor, perhaps a bit to great in fact. He is suffering heavily from his pride. He can be quite stubborn sometime and his pride often leads him to decision that he will regret later. I would describe him as he a mortal that want the power of the god. Because of this, he always strives for the very best. However, this constantly leads him to deception. He wishes for the impossible and the perfection but at the end nothing is perfect.

One side of him wishes to control everything but in reality what he is really seeking is to be accepted by his peer. My dear friend, please know that no amount of power and perfection will ever make you happy. It’s the defects and imperfections of our existence that make our life so colourful and enjoyable. Money and power can makes you famous or popular but true friendships are created with trust and love.

I do hope that you will be able to remove this curse with time. Our ego is and will always be our greatest nemesis.

Please take care of yourself old friend,

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