mercredi 3 décembre 2008

Magic, where are you?

I really wish that magic would exist in our world. I would fly from place to place and live a care free life. I would create anything I want just with my sheer thought! And, I would travel through time to see things that no one ever seen.

Yes, that would be so sweet… I would be a trickster, disappearing when people less expect it. Would I use my power for the greater good, my friend or myself? Well, probably all of them!

When I would be bored, I would create some illusions to distract me and I would summon some creatures to clean my house! *Laughs*

Of course, if someone would dare to mess with me, I would send him in another plane of existence for a few years, so he can think about it. *Evil laughs*

*Thinks* I wonder how long it would last before I really got bored thought. Also, having everything I ever wanted, what else I would do?

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