jeudi 4 décembre 2008

Perhaps there is something that I love?

I was thinking about this… I often dream of the impossible but… I do think there are a few things that I like that are possible! Now, what are those things?

I like… to laughs! I really do, I don’t know what I would do if we were not able to smiles and laughs. I like funny movie and various comedies on TV. However, I dislike everything that is too serious, which of course include drama movie and such.

While I dislike going outdoor alone or in large party, I must admit that I like to share some times with my best friends. I like to receive compliment and approval from those I love. I like to share some interests with my friends or simply try new things! I like to be able to talk to a friend that I trust and being able to say anything I want while knowing that it will never break our friendship.

I also like to cuddle with someone I love. I love pretty and sexy girl. I love sex and to experiment new things! To be told that I am loved and of course to say how I love someone.

I really like anime and manga arts. Sometime, I wish I had skill to draw them!

And of course, I like everything that is fantastic, occult, and mysterious! I like to unravel the main plot of a movie or a game for example. I don’t like when the story is too cheesy or lack of originality.

That all for today folks!

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