jeudi 4 décembre 2008

Looking for a Muse

I decided to post a little ad about the kind of girl that would really love to meet. The truth is that I really love girls so I love to write article about them! *Chuckles*

I like independent yet caring girl. Sexy, mysterious, a bit mischievous and roguish as well that doesn’t hesitate to speak their mind and do what she like when she wants. I am looking for one which we could share a bound of complicity. I firmly believe that woman is complementary to men, not their opposite.

One that love to laughs and smiles. Understanding and being able to take the worse things with a positive attitude, or at least try to. Able to admit their own weakness, for no one is perfect and that is the beauty of it. A girl that isn’t afraid of the dark, to try new things, with a great imagination and open mind.

I don’t want her to be chained to me. I want her to be free like a bird, do whatever she wants, anytime she wants. Of course, she would be reliable enough so we can trust each other! Hopefully, she would accept my quality as well as my shortcoming as I do for her. I really dislike feeling like a weight!

*Dreamy eyes* I really wish I could meet such wonderful girl friend! Perhaps one day! Who know what the future hold for us?

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