mercredi 26 novembre 2008

Another gloomy day

Here we are, just another wretched day like all other. *Sighs deeply* But hey, I have a reason to be so negative this month! It's well know that November is the worse month for depression. If only it would last only one month..

So anyway, I am lying down, resting alone as time flies. Counting every hours, every minutes, every seconds.. Well I usually don't count seconds, time is long enough like that. But seriously, there is so many thing we can do, yet so meaningless at the same time. Giving a meaning to some thing so I actually want to do it is probably one of my greatest weakness.

Imagine if someone would remove all meanings from everything you have, want or hold dear. This is how I am feeling right now. Doing nothing as nothing matter to me, just waiting for another day to finish..

So here, I am trying my best to give some meaning to this blog, even if I only had 3 visitors so far. In the end, I suppose that the main goal is to express myself, which I am doing pretty well I guess. Sometime I reread what I wrote and a small smiles appear in my face. I amaze myself with the time and effort I put in this little blog. However, I often wish I had more interesting thing to write about.

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