lundi 24 novembre 2008

A virtual life

If you did read my previous blog, you probably remember that I already talked about MMORPG (which stand for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). Those MMORPG games are like small virtual reality. Each games are different but at the end, in most of them you command a character that can do various actions, such as moving around and talking with other users pretty much like real life.

So I guess that in some ways, those smaller worlds are like the real world. That probably one of the few good things I will say about this world, at least you can try different smaller worlds, even if they are only virtual and temporary.

In fact, when you think about it, the real life is temporary too and is as virtual as anything else. Actually something virtual is something that is not real. But what is real? The software is real no? What do we know about our whole existance, perhaps we are not even real? Just like any virtual games, life is full of illusion.

Of course, real life actions and consequences are more likely to affect any virtual worlds than the inverse as the virtual world is part of real life while real life aren't part of any virtual world (except perhaps one that is much bigger, but what do we know about it?). At the end, it's only a hobbit, a time killer, something to distract our mind. But then, what is life? Aren't we here to have some fun as well, to enjoy our stay?

It's easy to change a game you don't enjoy, but life is a whole other story.

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