mercredi 26 novembre 2008

Black and White; Love and Hate

I think that someone cannot even understand how close love is to hate if they did not lost someone they cherished because of her action and hidden lie. Truth might hurt but lie destroy. As soon as you lie to someone, you break it's trust and then the relation you have with him.

Ironically, the one that I loved the most is also the one I hate the most. Every single thing make me think about this person and how sweet was the illusion I was living in. And with that, come the deception, the deception that everything was fake.

Sorrow is all that come to me when I think about this and the only thing that can stench my sadness is this strange hate. I can only hope that one day she will feel like I am right now.

I hope that with time I will be able to erase her from my memory like she did for me.

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