mardi 25 novembre 2008

Breaking my skin

Since I made that blog about me being a vampire I got myself thinking: what do my blood taste like? Of course, the easiest way would be to cut myself but actually, it's not that easy when you never done that.

Also, if you are not careful, you probably can catch some sickness. Still I was wondering about it so I wanted to test. I started with a knife on my wrist. However, the cold iron could not break my skin easily, it was more painful than anything else. Perhaps the knife was not enough sharp or I did not put enough pressure. I mean, I am sure you can bleed with about anything, even with a spoon, but you need to be pretty minded to success with that.

At the end, I only ended with redness and some irritations. The next day I tested with a razor blade then a needle. Again, I ended with some more irritations and could not do much with the needle.

Perhaps I still lack of focus and willpower for that at this time, or I am not using the correct tool. *sighs* Yet, that question is still in my head: What do it taste? I can only guess that I will have to try harder the next time.

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