mercredi 26 novembre 2008

That girl side of mine

As I was resting in my bed yesterday, I was thinking about this... While I am a geek and kinda hardcore gamer I really have some girlish side in me. It's pretty hard to explain but sometime I have such strange thoughts about girl.

I admire them so very much that sometime I am even jealous of them. They are beautiful, sexy and so attractive. You just want to cuddle and feel their warm body against your or your lips on their. *Sighs deeply*

Sometime I feel like I am some gray stone looking for diamond, or Gollum looking for his precious (Lord Of The Ring). But honestly, I am so envious of the very charm that every girl have. I know that girl have their share of own trouble but still... I guess that some could say that I have low esteem of myself, and while not totally false, my vision could probably apply to every men I know.

Yes, that might sound weird but I kinda wish I was born as a girl.

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