jeudi 27 novembre 2008

The Demon

Inside the heart, the demon roar with rage like a restless beast. He is tired of waiting, he want blood tonight. It's heart is cold and emotionless. He care for nothing but it's own pleasure. He stare at the horizon with it's blazing red eyes.

Everything seem like a easy prey for him. However, heavy black metal chains restrain him. Like some kind of hellish jail, he is confined to this place for the eternity. Should he ever get free, he would devour the soul of it's owner before laying waste around him. Destroy everything he ever loved then dooming him to eternal damnation.

The beast roar once more as it try to free itself from the chains. Darkness, emptiness, loneliness and sadness all fill the heart of it's owner. Each seconds the heart is weakening, bringing him closer to it's freedom.

However, it's owner know better than that. While it would pain himself to do so, he would rather die than leaving the beast rampant.

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